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The experience of bringing a new life into the world is a momentous event, but for many women, concerns about labor pain and the birthing process can create anxiety. While pain medications and interventions are widely available, more women are exploring natural methods to manage pain during childbirth. One such method gaining recognition is hypnobirthing.

In the UAE, where a significant portion of births (41.2% according to Dubai Statistic Centre) occur through C-section, hypnobirthing is becoming an alternative choice for women looking for a more natural birthing experience.

Here is a guide to know more about hypnobirthing.

What is Hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is a childbirth method that combines relaxation, positive thinking, and self-hypnosis techniques to help women manage labor pain naturally. The goal is to help women feel more prepared, both physically and emotionally, for childbirth while minimizing fear and discomfort. By practicing techniques that calm the mind and body, hypnobirthing aims to create a more peaceful and manageable birthing experience.

First popularized by hypnotherapist Marie Mongan in her 1989 book, HypnoBirthing: A Celebration of Life, this method is rooted in the belief that reducing fear and tension leads to a smoother, less painful delivery. The concept draws from earlier ideas of "natural birth" promoted by Dr. Jonathan Dye and Dr. Grantly Dick-Read.

How does Hypnobirthing work?

The key concept behind hypnobirthing is managing the "fear-tension-pain syndrome". When women feel anxious about labor, the body redirects blood flow away from the uterus to major muscle groups, making contractions more painful. Hypnosis-induced relaxation helps prevent this, allowing the body to function more efficiently during labor.

Hypnobirthing involves the use of guided relaxation techniques, visualization, and positive affirmations. These tools help reduce pain and fear by promoting a state of deep relaxation, which allows the muscles to work harmoniously during contractions. Women practicing hypnobirthing often describe the sensation as being similar to daydreaming or becoming engrossed in a book—calm, conscious, and in control.

Hypnobirthing techniques

Hypnobirthing involves several techniques designed to keep the body and mind calm and focused during labor. The most common methods include:

  • Controlled Breathing: Breathing exercises help regulate the body’s response to pain, increase oxygen supply, and maintain relaxation during contractions.
  • Visualization: Positive imagery is used to focus the mind on peaceful, calming scenarios rather than labor pain.
  • Positive Affirmations: Repeating positive phrases about labor and childbirth helps build confidence and reduce fear.
  • Self-Hypnosis: Some women practice self-hypnosis to reach a deep state of relaxation, while others may work with a hypnotherapist.

Hypnobirthing techniques

Benefits of Hypnobirthing

Hypnobirthing offers a range of benefits, making it an attractive option for many mothers:

  • Increased Control: Hypnobirthing empowers women by helping them stay in control of their labor experience.
  • Reduced Anxiety: The relaxation techniques used in hypnobirthing help reduce stress and fear, leading to a calmer birth.
  • Fewer Medical Interventions: Women who practice hypnobirthing often report fewer medical interventions during labor, such as epidurals or C-sections.
  • Enhanced Postpartum Experience: The calming techniques used during hypnobirthing can also improve the postpartum recovery process by reducing stress and fatigue.
  • No Medication: Hypnobirthing is a natural pain relief method, eliminating the need for drugs that may have side effects for both mother and baby.

Hypnobirthing Myths Debunked

There are numerous myths about many of the methods available to assist you to bring your kid into the world, including hypnobirthing. Here are some of those myths and their reality:

  • Hypnobirthing promises a pain-free birth

While hypnobirthing is beneficial in assisting mothers throughout labor by employing breathing methods meant to increase oxygenated blood and enhance key painkilling and relaxing chemicals inside the body, it does not guarantee pain-free birth for everybody. Pain is a subjective experience, and what one woman considers excruciating may be nothing for another.

  • Hypnobirthing is for hippies

Some people may be put off by the term because it implies that only “hippies” will benefit from it — the word conjures up thoughts of incense and chanting, yet nothing could be far from the reality. Hypnobirthing’s concepts are all rooted in the biology of the human body.

  • Hypnobirthing is only for drug-free natural births:

Contrary to the popular belief, hypnobirthing is effective for different types of deliveries, not just drug-free or water births. Of course, if that is the conception you desire, the approaches will be quite beneficial. It is worth noting though that even if you choose a C-section, the skills and methods you will acquire on hypnobirthing training will prove helpful. You will always want to meet your baby calmly, relaxedly, and comfortably.

  • You will be hypnotized

This is a widespread misconception, and while it is understandable that people might associate hypnobirthing with being hypnotized, they couldn’t be more wrong. Hypnobirthing is an evidence-based, rational, and scientifically accurate antenatal education program designed to help women have the most pleasant birth experience possible. In reality, hypnobirthing has nothing to do with hypnotizing.

  • Hypnobirthing is for a particular kind of person or birth:

The only criterion that makes you eligible for hypnobirthing is being pregnant. It is truly suitable for all types of people and all types of births, whether it is your first or fourth child. It makes no difference where or how you intend to undertake it.

If hypnobirthing sounds appealing to you, it’s worth discussing with your doctor or midwife. Hypnobirthing classes are widely available, both in-person and online, and many hospitals now offer them as part of their antenatal education programs.

Even if your labor doesn’t go exactly as planned, the techniques you learn in hypnobirthing classes can help you stay calm and positive throughout the experience, making for a more enjoyable birth and recovery.


Q: What is hypnobirthing?
A: Hypnobirthing is a childbirth method that uses relaxation, visualization, and self-hypnosis techniques to help women manage labor pain naturally.

Q: Does hypnobirthing work for C-section births?
A: Yes, hypnobirthing techniques can be beneficial even in C-section births by helping women stay calm and focused during the procedure.

Q: Is hypnobirthing only for drug-free births?
A: No, hypnobirthing can be used in both drug-free births and those involving medical interventions like epidurals or C-sections.

Q: Will I be hypnotized during hypnobirth?
A: Hypnobirthing doesn’t involve being unconscious or in a trance. It encourages deep relaxation while you remain fully aware and in control.

Q: Is hypnobirthing right for everyone?
A: Hypnobirthing is suitable for all types of people and all types of births, whether it’s your first or fourth child.


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