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With Us, be Assured of the Best Medical Care for Your Children

The vision of FUH Child Health Department is to be a one-stop-shop for all pediatric patient’s needs from birth until 16 years of age. FUH is a baby-friendly hospital, promoting the bond between mother and child from the moment of birth and supporting mothers with exclusive breastfeeding and educating parents about newborn care and safety.

Our highly qualified staff of NICU neonatal intensive care unit and state-of-the-art equipment provides additional support and treatment whenever required, while keeping the bonding and involvement of parents through education and kangaroo care.

Our Well-baby/Child Clinics will provide anticipatory health visits at regular intervals throughout the first 6 years of their life, focusing on the health promotion model, monitoring our pediatrics patient’s physical, developmental and mental health.

Our clinical visits will be focusing on promoting health based on lifestyle modification and integrating different modalities of treatment such as diet and exercise, rather than relying on allopathic medications and the overuse of antibiotics.

As we promote the vaccination schedule recommended by WHO,CDC and DHA, we also recognize the concerns surrounding vaccinations, and will be providing ample time and information to empower parents to make the right decision about their child’s vaccinations.

Our Neuro Development Clinic attends to the needs of children with determination, providing assessment and treatment for children with Autism, ADHD, speech delay, developmental delay, dyslexia, learning difficulties and childhood behavioral disorders.

We run disease specific clinics such as asthma, pediatric endocrinology, pediatric cardiology and pediatric nephrology. Our highly skilled pediatrics team will treat the entire spectrum of pediatric conditions, from gastroenterology (constipation, reflux and feeding difficulties), to allergies (food allergies, seasonal allergies and asthma), to neurology (headache, poor focus), to endocrinology (growth and puberty problems).

Our team of experienced ER doctors , pediatricians and nursing staff of FUH are available 24/7 to attend patients needs. . We keep the parents informed about hospital admissions through the difficult times and ensure continuous care by the physician promoting a safe environment and healing through play.


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Bedwetting in Children

Bedwetting in Children, also known as nocturnal enuresis, is a common condition that affects children and sometimes adults. While many parents believe bedwetting is...
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Teeth Grinding in Children

Teeth grinding in children, also known as bruxism, is a common condition where children clench or grind their teeth, often during sleep
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