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Offering a range of treatments related to your ENT problems

ENT or Otorhinolaryngology, head and neck surgery is a dynamic specialty, with sub-specialties of otology, rhinology, rhinoplasty, facial plastic surgery, laryngology, phonosurgery, head and neck surgery and oncology, and pediatric otolaryngology. The ENT surgeon is involved in diseases extending from the skull base to the chest.


Patients with the common complaints of a headache, sore throat, voice change, sneezing, nose block, nasal discharge, are attended to in the ENT outpatient clinic. Patients who have swellings and infections of the face and neck including cervical lymph nodes, salivary gland, thyroid, hypoglossal duct cyst and all congenital bronchial cyst and fistula, are common referrals.

Ear pain, hearing loss, tinnitus and dizziness patients are common ear complaints.

In the emergency, foreign bodies in the nose, throat, larynx and ears are common pediatric emergencies. For adult epistaxis, impacted fish and chicken bones, the problem of breathing are emergencies in adults and children as well.


The ENT department offers diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the ear nose and throat and head and neck. Outpatient services are provided by clinical exam in the OPD, nasal endoscopy, rigid laryngoscopy, fibro optic laryngoscopy, and ear microscopy.

Audiological services in the form of Impedance audiometry and Pure tone Audiometry is performed in the sound-treated audiology room. The major OT is equipped with an operating microscope, endoscopes for nasal, and sinus surgery–phono surgery and neck surgery.

Adenotonsillectomy, myringotomy with insertion of the grommet, middle ear surgery, laryngeal microsurgery, laryngectomy and surgery on the sub-mandibular and parotid glands; Thyroidectomy–neck dissection, septoplasty, turbinoplasty, rhinoplasty, sinus endoscopic surgery and surgery for snoring and sleep; and apnoea is offered in the operating theater.


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Otitis Media

OME is the accumulation of sterile mucus in the middle ear. It may follow upper respiratory tract infection, acute otitis media or allergic rhinitis. Sometimes, OME may be due to congenital abnormalities..
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Everyone has his or her own internal “thermostat” that regulates body temperature, and normal body temperature is around 37 degrees Celsius, plus or minus about 0.6 degrees..
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