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Pulsed Dye Laser (PDL) treatments have been safely used to treat benign facial redness due to dilated or excess blood vessels for nearly two decades.  The PDL uses a concentrated beam of light that targets blood vessels in the skin. The light is converted into heat, destroying the blood vessel while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged.  This is one of the most effective treatment for various skin disorders characterized by red discoloration.

Some of the most common conditions the PDL can treat include:

  • Angiomas
  • Facial Redness
  • Facial Vines and Broken Capillaries
  • Poikiloderma
  • Port Wine Stains
  • Rosacea
  • Scars
  • Stretch Marks
  • Warts
  • Wrinkles

How do pulsed dye laser treatments work?

The PDL delivers an intense, yet gentle, burst of light into targeted areas of the skin, and the light is absorbed by specific blood vessels or pigmented areas in the dermis.  This causes damage to the lining of the target blood vessel without damaging the surrounding tissues and skin. The body absorbs the damaged blood vessels, and the flow of blood is re-directed into deeper vessels.  The length and number of treatments needed will depend on the size of the area being treated and the severity of the condition.

How is the pulsed dye laser treatment performed?

PDL treatments usually take only a few minutes .  Most patients usually need between 1-3 treatments. Patients with port wine stains, extensive rosacea, and hemangiomas may need more treatments. Improving the appearance of hypertrophic scars, red scars, or keloids may take a variable number of treatments.

Pulsed dye laser treatment is a safe, comfortable way to improve your complexion and rejuvenate your appearance. With a pulsed dye laser, we can treat facial vines, rosacea, stretch marks, port wine stains and more, quickly and conveniently in our office.  Take advantage of the pulsed dye laser treatment to reduce and soften your redness.


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