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Dr. Mustafa Seyam

Dr. Mustafa Seyam

Brain & Nervous System
Consultant Neurology
Brain & Nervous System
German, English, Arabic
25 years
FUH Hospital DSO

Core Competencies

  • Headache disorder (all types of headaches, especially migraine, cluster headache)
  • Neuroimmunology – MS and related demyelinating disorders, myasthenia gravis, Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS), Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP)
  • Stroke medicine
  • Neurophysiology (EEG, NCS, EMG, evoked potentials, sleep diagnostics)
  • Epilepsy and other episodic non-epileptic disorders
  • Parkinson disease and movement disorders
  • Sleep disorders
  • Alzheimer dementia and other aging and age-related disorders
  • CNS infectiology
  • Cosmetic Procedure and Injections therapy for all neurological indications
  • Pain management

Brief Profile

Dr. Mustafa Seyam is a German and Swiss Board-Certified Neurologist with more than 25 years’ extensive experience in neuroscience. He further has a Clinical Fellowship in Neuroimmunology from Denmark.

After obtaining his German Board certification, he was associated as the Vice Head of Neurology Department at Academic Hospital (University of Magdeburg), and later as Director of Medical Center of Neurology in Munich, Germany. He later worked at a renowned hospital in Saudi Arabia, where he actively participated in founding and establishing a state-of-the-art Neuroscience Center.

He is also involved with supervision and teaching of medical students, junior doctors and residents, particularly in preparation for FRCS.

Dr. Seyam is a member of Exam Board of Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS) in Neurology.  He was also a member of the selection committee of King Faisal Prize in Saudi Arabia in Medicine for the year 2021. Additionally, he is a Member of Advisory Board at diverse local and international pharmaceutical companies in the region.

He is a member of the following associations:

  • German Society of Neurology (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Neurologie)
  • German Stroke Society
  • European Academy of Neurology
  • European Stroke Organization
  • European Headache Federation
  • Deutsche MS Gesellschaft (DMSG)
  • American Academy of Neurology


  • Swiss Board of Neurology, 2007
  • German Board Certificate of Neurology, 1997
  • MD at Medical College at University of Saarland-Germany, 1991

Life Changing Stories

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